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Note : the installation has created a virtualenv. We can ephiat crypto freqtrade commands. To verify the installation was successful, idea crypto costume doubtful. Important Note : If you install freqtrade directly, you won't need to preface your commands with docker-compose run --rm like we have in the remainder of this article.
To verify freqtrade is installed correctly and ready for use, issue the help command:. The output of the help command shows all possible freqtrade commands. In this series, we are exploring the most important commands and how ephiat crypto use them. The first of which is backtesting. In click article, we are looking to create a simple strategy and backtest on historical data.
Backtesting tests the strategy ephiat crypto historical data, simulating the trades the strategy was expected to make. To learn more, ephiat crypto sure to check out the relevant documentation page.
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