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Many of those firms defaulted on loans, creating a cascading effect that infected the broader industry and lenders like Voyager. In addition to the hearing in early August in the Southern Prime crypto price of New York, Voyager customers also had an opportunity to voice their displeasure in a livestream chat accompanying a minute virtual town hall last prime crypto price. There they could make their pleas to the "Voyager Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors," a group formed by the bankruptcy court of SDNY to resolve asset distribution.
They say the focus is the continue reading return of USD and crypto to creditors. Prime crypto price of the committee gave an overview of the bankruptcy proceedings so far, an estimated timeline to reimbursement and a how-to on the claim submission process.
One committee member noted, however, that the guidance they were providing rejuve crypto "not legal advice" and that it was "strongly recommended" that individual creditors consider retaining counsel to assist with this process.